Videos for Learning About Refugees

Learn about the refugee experience firsthand through our thought-provoking videos, comprised of interviews with resettled refugees sharing their challenges and successes as they settle into their new communities.

 Faces of Resettlement features the stories of five individuals who entered the United States as refugees and who are making positive contributions to their communities. Told in their own voices, the video highlights the resiliency that characterizes refugees’ journeys of fleeing their homelands and rebuilding their lives in cities all across the United States.



Welcome to the United States features newly-arriving and previously-resettled refugees from various ethnic groups. Shown to refugees in overseas orientation, the video also gives other viewers a sense of how refugees adjust to life in the United States.


The following video pages are designed for viewers to learn about specific ethnic and age groups, and include questions regarding the refugee population addressed:


Bhutanese Refugees in the United States
This video includes interviews with refugees from Bhutan, speaking about their refugee background, experiences learning English in the United States, employment opportunities, education for children and adults, and other matters that affect their daily life.



Refugees from Burma in the United States
The video features interviews with refugees from Burma, talking about their challenges and accomplishments dealing with learning English, employment, housing and community, rights and responsibilities, and the long process of resettlement.


Congolese vid

The video Congolese Refugees in the United States includes interviews with refugees and community leaders from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and refugee service providers, speaking about the resettlement experiences of newly-arrived and previously resettled refugees, such as employment opportunities, experience learning English in the United States, education for children and adults, inter-ethnic co-existence, family adjustment, and other matters that affect their daily lives.  

Cuban Refugees

Cuban Refugees in the United States
This video provides information for and about refugees from Cuba resettled in the United States. The video is comprised of interviews with resettled refugees and their service providers, using their own words to share their thoughts and experiences.



Darfuri Refugees in the United States
This video features interviews with refugees from the Darfuri region of Sudan, speaking about matters that affect their daily life, such as the need to work and entry-level positions available, education for children, learning English as an adult, time management, and daily schedules.



Refugee Families and Youth Videos
These videos were designed to assist refugees and service providers to learn about adjustment of refugee families and youth to their new lives in the U.S. Topics include family adjustment, discipline, school life, home life, and learning English. View online in English, Farsi, Nepali, and Somali. 



Refugee Seniors in the United States
Listen to refugee seniors from Bhutan, Burma, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan talk about their refugee background and resettlement experiences, and download the video script and questions to consider in Arabic, Burmese, Karen, Nepali, Somali, and English.