Videos for Welcoming Refugees

Seeing refugees in their homes or at the workplace, speaking about the challenges and opportunities that resettlement in the United States has presented them, is a powerful way to strengthen understanding of refugees and commitment to encouraging and empowering them.

Each of the following videos, and the reflection questions accompanying them, give viewers the opportunity to imagine the experience of being a refugee in a strange land, and to consider how to welcome newcomers.

Faces of Resettlement

Faces of Resettlement features the stories of five individuals who entered the United States as refugees and who are making positive contributions to their communities. Told in their own voices, the video highlights the resiliency that characterizes refugees’ journeys of fleeing their homelands and rebuilding their lives in cities all across the United States.

Welcome to the United States features newly-arriving and previously-resettled refugees from various ethnic groups. Shown to refugees in overseas orientation, the video also gives other viewers a sense of how refugees adjust to life in the United States.

Bhutanese Refugees in the United States
This video includes interviews with refugee from Bhutan, speaking about their refugee background, experiences learning English in the United States, employment opportunities, education for children and adults, and other matters that affect their daily life.

Refugees from Burma in the United States
The video features interviews with refugees from Burma, talking about their challenges and accomplishments dealing with learning English, employment, housing and community, rights and responsibilities, and the long process of resettlement.

Darfuri Refugees in the United States
This video features interviews with refugees from the Darfuri region of Sudan, speaking about matters that affect their daily life, such as the need to work and entry-level positions available, education for children, learning English as an adult, time management, and daily schedules.