RSC East Asia CO Lesson Plans

These lesson plans were contributed by the RSC East Asia (IRC East Asia) CO program. They may be useful to other overseas CO programs looking for some fresh activities, to domestic resettlement staff who would like to strengthen their CO delivery by using ready-made materials prepared by CO specialists, or to those who are interested in the type of training refugees provided CO by RSC East Asia receive.

Education: Parental Responsibilities (IRC East Asia) 153.91 kB (25-40 minutes)
Employment: Identifying Personal Strengths (IRC East Asia) 240.91 kB (15-20 minutes)
Employment: Workplace Etiquette (IRC East Asia) 204.91 kB (15-20 minutes)
Health: Healthy Living, Tic-Tac-Toe (IRC East Asia) 172.00 kB (45-90 minutes)
Housing: Home Maintenance (IRC East Asia) 356.69 kB (20-30 minutes)
Housing: Leases and Rent (IRC East Asia) 177.47 kB (20-25 minutes)
Rights and Responsibilities: American Laws (IRC East Asia) 197.29 kB (20-30 minutes)