Bhutanese Refugees in the United States

Refugees from Bhutan speak about their refugee background, experiences learning English in the United States, employment opportunities, education for children and adults, and other matters that affect their daily life.

Transcript of Bhutanese Refugees in the United States Video (English)

Reflection Questions

1. Some of the speakers in the video talked about their concerns when thinking about coming to the U.S. Do you have similar concerns? How do you feel about those concerns now? 

2. While the speakers in the video talked about their challenges when they first came to the U.S., most felt that things got better over time.  What were some of these challenges? Do you think things get better over time?  Why or why not?

3. What did the speakers in the video say about their children going to school? How did you feel about what the speakers said?

4. What kinds of jobs did the speakers in the video have? What kind of work were they doing? How did the speakers feel the jobs compared to those they held in the past? Picture yourself doing the types of work some of the speakers in the video were doing. How do you feel about those job options?

5. How do you think the speakers in the video feel about their decision to resettle in the U.S.? What were some of the key messages in the video? How do you think some of these messages relate to you and your own experiences?

I found that you don’t necessarily need to speak English as long as you take pride in your work and work very hard. If you prove yourself to them, then you will find that many people like you.

Dilu Rai