Bhutanese Refugees

Learn about refugees from Bhutan through the following COR Center resources:

Bhutanese Refugees in the United States: This 22 minute video includes interviews with refugee from Bhutan, speaking about their refugee background, experiences learning English in the United States, employment opportunities, education for children and adults, and other matters that affect their daily life.

Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal, October 2007: The Backgrounder discusses the causes of the refugee problem, explains the need for third-country resettlement, and describes the characteristics of the refugee population. Download a supplement to the Backgrounder with additional information about considerations for the resettlement of Bhutanese refugees.

The RSC South Asia CO Program Highlight on Bhutanese features information about the Bhutanese in Nepal, including their history, environment in exile, the questions and concerns raised by CO participants, and considerations for domestic service providers.

The Images: Bhutanese Refugees gallery shows photos of Bhutanese refugees in the United States and in camps overseas. In addition, the Images from RSC South Asia gallery contains images of refugee camp environments and Bhutanese refugees participating in cultural orientation activities.

Refugee Seniors in the United States: Interviews with two refugee seniors from Bhutan, as well as others. See below the video for the video script and questions for consideration, in English and Nepali. See also lesson plans for use with service providers and refugees.

Webinar - Refugees with Disabilities: In this webinar, the CO Coordinator for RSC South Asia and domestic presenters address challenges and strategies regarding life as a disabled refugee, the delivery of orientation to refugees with disabilities, and available programs, resources, and services.