Darfuri Refugees

Learn about refugees from the Darfur region of Sudan through the following COR Center resources:

Darfuri Refugees in the United States: This 26-minute video features interviews with refugees from the Darfur region of Sudan, speaking about the need to work, entry-level jobs available, education for children, learning English as an adult, AND LEARNING time management. 

Darfuri Refugees: Backgrounds and Resettlement Needs: This document provides information about Darfuri refugees, particularly those being resettled from Chad and from Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. The backgrounder provides information about their history in Darfur and the countries of asylum, cultural and socio-economic characteristics, and resettlement experiences and needs.

RSC Africa CO Program Profile: This briefly describes the structure of the RSC Africa CO program, describing the learner population, locations, staffing, and content and/or emphases of the CO classes.

Webinar - Resettlement of Refugees from the Darfur Region of Sudan: This January 2010 webinar was designed to assist communities with the resettlement and integration of refugees from the Darfur region of Sudan, and provide information about the background and characteristics of Darfuri refugees in Chad, their environment in exile, the orientation delivered to them, the questions and concerns they raised in class, and considerations for their domestic resettlement. In addition, the webinar described successes and challenges in the resettlement and adjustment of refugees from Darfur to date.

See the image gallery related to refugees from the Darfuri region of Sudan, including the environment in the refugee camps in Chad and resettled refugees in their new homes and communities in the United States. 

Refugee Seniors in the United States: This 11-minute video includes an interview with a refugee senior from Darfur, as well as other seniors, on their refugee background, experiences learning English, employment, transportation, and other matters. Read the script in English.