Refugees from Burma

Learn about refugees from Burma through the following COR Center resources:

Refugees from Burma in the United States video: The 22 minute video features interviews with refugees from Burma, talking about their challenges and accomplishments dealing with learning English, employment, housing and community, rights and responsibilities, and the long process of resettlement.

Refugees from Burma - Background and Experience: This Culture Profile provides information about the diverse histories, cultures, refugee and resettlement experiences of refugees from Burma, with a focus on the Burmans, the Karen and their various subgroups, and the Chin.

The RSC East Asia CO Program Highlight on refugees from Burma features information about refugees from Burma in both Malaysia and Thailand, the cultural orientation they receive, and the strengths and challenges of the program and its  participants.

The Images: Refugees from Burma gallery focuses on photos of refugees from Burma in their home and work environments in the United States. In addition, the RSC East Asia CO program area of the website hosts two image galleries, one highlighting photos of refugees from Burma living and participating in CO in the urban environment of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the other of refugees from Burma in camps in Thailand.

Refugee Seniors in the United States: This brief video is composed of interviews with refugee seniors from various groups, including a refugee from Burma. See below the video for the video script and questions for consideration, in Burmese and Karen.

Values to Bring to A New Country: A list of values some participants identified as wanting to retain after resettlement, during a cultural orientation session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Questions about Education: A list of education-related questions participants asked during a cultural orientation session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Resettlement and the Rohingya Fact Sheet: A comparison of the situations in Bangladesh and Malaysia for Rohingya refugees (an ethnic, linguistic and religious minority from Arakan State in Burma)

IOM Profile of the Karenni: Read an International Organization for Migration profile of the Karenni, and view photos of Karenni refugees posted by IOM.