Video for Learning about Refugees from Burma

The video features interviews with refugees from Burma, talking about their challenges and accomplishments dealing with learning English, employment, housing and community, rights and responsibilities, and the long process of resettlement. Read the transcript in English.

View the Karen version.

View the Burmese version.

Reflection Questions: Learning About Refugees from Burma

1. What experiences from the video stood out to you? What experiences are similar to your own?

2. What were some of the key messages in the video? Why do you think these are key messages for refugees from Burma coming to the U.S.?

3. How are the refugees in the video learning English?

4. A refugee-owned store was featured in the video. Are there similar stores in your community? Why are stores such as this important to the refugee and immigrant populations in your community?

5. What were some of the reasons the refugees in the video gave for coming to the United States?