Resettlement of Refugees from the Darfur Region of Sudan

Resettlement of Darfuris

January 14, 2010

This webinar was designed to assist communities with the resettlement and integration of refugees from the Darfur region of Sudan, and provides information about the background of the Darfuri refugees in Chad, characteristics of the group, their environment in exile, the way in which Cultural Orientation is being delivered to them, the questions and concerns they raise in class, and considerations for their domestic resettlement. In addition, the webinar described successes and challenges in the resettlement and adjustment of refugees from Darfur to date.


  • Amanda Gordon, CO Coordinator, Church World Service/Overseas Processing Entity, Accra, Ghana
  • Peter Vogelaar, Executive Director, Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, Utica, NY
  • Abdelshakour Khamis, Case Worker and Information Technology Coordinator, Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, Utica, NY


  • Colleen Mahar-Piersma, Cultural Orientation Resource Center, Center for Applied Linguistics


PDF of PowerPoint: Darfuri Refugees in Eastern Chad (Church World Service/Overseas Processing Entity, Accra)

PDF of PowerPoint: Considerations for the Resettlement of Refugees from the Darfur Region of Sudan (Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees)


Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, Grant No. 90RB0037