Images: Congolese Refugees
1/18 Congolese in doorway in Gihembe camp in Rwanda
2/18 Rooftops in Gihembe camp in Rwanda
3/18 Walking up road in Gihembe camp in Rwanda
4/18 School
5/18 Youth_outside_school
6/18 Children
7/18 Children_in_Gihembe_camp
8/18 Playing
9/18 Smiling
10/18 Small group work
11/18 Vibrant and active participants
12/18 Congolese mother and infant in class
13/18 Attentive participants in CO class
14/18 Congolese youth in the United States
15/18 Congolese mother and child
16/18 Congolese man at a conference
17/18 Congolese women conversing
18/18 Congolese woman at a conference