The Welcome Set

The Welcome set is comprised of two COR Center resources: Welcome to the United States: A Guidebook for Refugees and its complementary DVD, Welcome to the United States: Refugee Guide to Resettlement. These resources, developed at the request of the Department of State, Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), are designed to support overseas Cultural Orientation, as well as for use in initial domestic orientation or by refugees directly.

Image of the Welcome guidebook

For both the guidebook and DVD, there is a 2012 edition, pictured on the top, and the 2007 edition, pictured below. While both editions offer the information refugees need about resettlement in the United States, the 2012 editions have been updated to feature currently arriving refugee populations, including relevant case studies and additional testimonials from refugees and service providers. In addition, the 2012 edition of the guidebook includes many worksheets and activities, designed to provide an interactive way of learning about resettlement in the United States.

As these resources are translated into various languages, those translations will be posted here, listed on the right side of the screen. The 2007 version also remains available, and you can read this edition of the guidebook in a number of translations, also listed on the right side of the screen. 

Learn more information about the Welcome guide

Learn more or view the Welcome DVD online

View the Welcome DVD by topic

To order hard copies, please see the Immigrant/Refugee Education & Integration category on the CAL Store website here.